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This webpage last updated August 8, 2024
Also, to amaze and entertain you, we have hired the professional Magician Jonathan May. He will be at a display and strolling around the grounds doing his things.
Watrous Heights Neighborhood Association
National Night Out 2024
At Park Avenue Elementary School Grounds
Tuesdays, August 6, 2024, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Supported and assisted again this year by
Grays Lake Neighborhood Association
Bathroom facilities available in the School Building for all guests and volunteers
This will be a Major Event
You DO NOT want to miss this!
Everything at this event is FREE to the public.
Primarily this is an opportunity for our Neighbors to learn about some of the many services and products available to them from businesses and organizations in the community.
Plus, there are many of the various City and County departments that have programs of special interest to the neighbors. These programs have a wide-ranging area and types of benefits available.
We will make an effort to keep updating a list at the bottom of this webpage naming the various displays and some of what they have to offer, prior to the event.

Also, to entertain you, we have scheduled a couple of Musicians to stroll around the grounds playing their favorites or your requests.

Plus, we do not want you to be hungry. We will be having fresh pizzas delivered several times during this event. And volunteers providing pizza slices and cookies and candies while they last.

Plus, we have provided lots of things just for the kids.
There will be plenty of games for the smaller kids.
Plus skilled Face Painters and volunteers applying removal tattoos, which the kids love.

Plus, for the Kids, we have arranged to have THREE Bounce Houses with their own power and the staff to keep everything running and to direct the kids.

Plus, the National Night Out Event is to honor and recognize our working relationship between the community and the Des Moines Police Department and the Des Moines Fire Department. In the past, they have done a great job in providing people and equipment of interest to our neighbors and the kids for this event.

While supplies last, there will be a table providing a bag of "back to school" supplies free for elementary school students.
Did we miss anything? Is there something you think we should have included to get your interest?
If there is, please contact me or use the contact form at the top of this page.
Dave Johnston, President
Watrous Heights Neighborhood Association

The following are Organizations or Companies that have indicated to us they will have a display at this year's WHNA NNO Event:
Des Moines Police Department - Chief's Office. His staff acknowledged they now have our WHNA NNO Event on the Chief's schedule, and he will try to visit our event as he has in the past.
Des Moines Police Department. Have this event on their list and will normally have some officers in attendance supporting the event.
Des Moines Fire Department indicated they will have a Fire Truck, Ambulance, or both report to this event. Subject to emergency calls that may limit their participation.
Watrous Heights NA Sign-in Display for WHNA Neighbors
Be sure to register for gift card drawings
Grays Lake NA Sign-in Display for GLNA Neighbors
Visit with your area NA and thank them for being a part of this event
Indianola Hills NA Sign-in Display for IHNA Neighbors
Visit with your area NA and thank them for being a part of this event
American Red Cross
Registration to schedule Free Smoke alarms and free installation in your home.
Boy Scouts are combined for their display:
The Boys Troop 22 B, The Girls Troop 22 G, The Cubs Pack 22
Compassion Church of the Nazarene
Dental Associates
City of Des Moines Equity & Civil Rights
City of Des Moines Improving Our Neighborhoods (ION) Program
Dan working with a really good program to improve our neighborhoods
Des Moines Public Library
They will be promoting their Rosie Reader Program
Friends of SW 9th
GreenState Credit Union - Was a NO-SHOW
Lead Service Line Replacement Project
Diana Sickles will have Brochures and Map of problem area
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
Park Avenue Christian Church
Park Avenue Elementary School Staff
They will be providing free Fresh Popcorn and Cotton Candy for the kids
Park Avenue Metro Kids - After school & summer programs
Polk County Behavioral Health & Disability Services
Polk County Conservation
Polk County Health (Lead abatement program)
Southside Democrats
Promoting the election process and the Democratic Party
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